Welcome to my blog. My name is Monica Binotto. I am in my fifth year of Concurrent Education. I am a Brock Teacher Candidate at the the Hamilton Campus. I'm in Junior Intermediate and my teachable is Physical Education.
The title of my blog is the "The Limit Does Not Exist". I chose this title because not only is it a quote from my favourite movie, Mean Girls, but it also represents the concept that there is no limit to learning. The meaning of the limit does not exists is a math term and it means that the limit is either infinity or not defined. If it does not get closer to any value, then the limit does not exist.
In this blog, I will explore
the Ontario Junior/Intermediate curriculum in Mathematics. I will be discussing mathematical content, processes and ideas that can be built and connected across the grades and strands.
My primary goals for this course are to become more confident in my mathematical skills and to be able to examine and analyze alternative mathematical solutions and ideas.
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